
Crystal Violet
Nov 17, 2020
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Read my countless qualms, watch
Over me while recovery slows. As you
Hold me in comforting arms, I am immersed in
Awe of your electric melodies.
Negative thoughts evaporate, then fear-
Pulls me away from unfamiliar ventures. Your
Aura intoxicates me, enveloping every fibre. Touch
Runs deep within my core. I fall deeper and
Relish your soothing, ardent brown eyes-
Your heartbeat shrouds reality and guides me home.

Originally published at http://crystalviolet.home.blog on November 17, 2020.



Crystal Violet

Twenty-something science & personal finance nerd, on a perpetual quest for knowledge. Blog: crystalviolet.home.blog